
Typical task in test scripts is to check if an element is present. Each container (BasePage, physical and logical) has is_element_present method. It returns if an element with corresponding name is shown on the page.

from import By
from webium import BasePage, Find

class PresencePage(BasePage):
    join_link = Find(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value='a[href*="registration"]')
    no_such_link = Find(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value='a[href*="no_such_link"]')

    def __init__(self):
        super(PresencePage, self).__init__(url='')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    page = PresencePage()
    print('This should be True: ' + str(page.is_element_present('join_link')))
    print('This should be False: ' + str(page.is_element_present('no_such_link')))

Note: Containers with elements located via Finds also support is_element_present, albeit with special behaviour. Since the attribute will be a list of elements, rather than a single element, True will be returned only if all elements in the list are present. In the event that no elements are found (i.e. an empty list), or one or more elements do not qualify as present, False will be returned.


By default is_element_present returns True only if an element is visible. If you want to have True returned in cases when the element just present in DOM - set just_in_dom=True


timeout in seconds allows you to wait for True value.

Note: if an element is not shown this option will delay False value from being returned.